You are all you truly seek.
I am ready to let go now.
It is safe for me to let go now.
I sink deeply into my heart.
I rest in the knowing that I’ve got me.
There is no other I need to seek.
Every desire, every wish, every need.
I am all there is to be.
Whole in all of my parts.
Connected through all of my being.
I illuminate from within.
A silent, loud, majestic beauty.
I know the magic that I am.
I see it in you my dearest friend.
We are all each other needs.
We are all there is to be.
You are ready to let go now.
It is safe for you to let go now.
Breathe in deeply and hold your heart.
Know that you are whole in all your parts.
Rest in the knowing that you’ve got you.
There is nothing else you need to do.
You are all there is to be.
You are all you truly seek.